Tired of being locked in an emotional battle with willpower and self-control when it comes to food?

Reprogram the way you think about food and free yourself from the destructive cycle of emotional eating with a 1:1 End Emotional Eating Hypnotherapy Program tailored just for you.

Have you ever wondered how it is that you can value a healthy lifestyle and know what to eat and how to eat to achieve this…

YET somehow, you still find yourself eating out of control, sabotaging all your best efforts?

Maybe you find yourself:                                                      

– Eating to relax after a stressful day

– Using food to fill an “empty” feeling inside

– Reaching into the fridge or pantry when you’re not even hungry

– Procrastinating with food on that big, overwhelming task you need to complete

– Feeling guilty or ashamed after comfort eating

– Feeling out of alignment with the part of you that values a healthy lifestyle

– Using food as a coping strategy when feeling lonely, bored, anxious, sad or angry – or any uncomfortable emotion for that matter

– Rewarding yourself or celebrating with food

– Or perhaps you just have no idea why you eat the way you do

Emotional eating can be a powerful force that seems almost impossible to overcome.

Imagine there was a way to transform your inner struggle with food, to gain control over your eating choices & find lasting freedom with food.

IMAGINE if you could:

– Finally break free from the destructive cycle of emotional eating.

– Stop using food to cope, soothe or escape.

– Have more control and freedom with food.

– Learn how to recognise emotional hunger.

– Meet your emotional needs in healthier and more appropriate ways.

– Tap into your powerful inner resources.

– Stop thinking about food all the time.

– Embrace a more connected relationship with yourself.

– Feel confident and comfortable in your body.

– Wear the clothes you love and feel fabulous in them.

You know on a deep level “that something has to CHANGE, it has to be ME, it has to be NOW”.



Let me show you how to use powerful hypnosis to reprogram your eating habits, feel in control with food, and make choices that allow you the freedom to feel confident and at ease in your mind and body.

REVIVE End Emotional Eating Hypnotherapy Program is an 8-session personalised coaching and hypnotherapy program, that empowers you to process and clear the underlying reasons for your emotional eating patterns.
Reprogram the way you think about food, better regulate your emotions, improve your self-image, and feel more confident in your body and mind.


There’s one simple reason you have not yet had success when it comes to emotional eating: you’ve been using strategies that simply don’t work.

My 5-Step REVIVE framework uses a combination of hypnosis, tools and practices that take a deeper look into the issues that have been triggering your emotional eating. We clarify what’s really going on inside you, unlocking the key to making lasting change.

Develop a deeper understanding and become more aware of the connection between your emotions and your current eating behaviours.
Process and clear emotions and past trauma so that you can heal and move on from the things that have held you back.
Break old destructive habits and beliefs to establish new healthy ways to manage stress and handle difficult emotions.
Explore alternative ways to satisfy emotional needs so that you can integrate and embed new mindful habits and create emotional resilience.
Move beyond the issues of the past to develop a deeper connection to self and live a revived and vibrant future.

Here’s what’s included in the program:

1 X 90 min live online hypnosis session

7 x 60-minute live online hypnosis sessions held over 3 months. Each session begins with connecting and coaching and concludes with a hypnosis session to deepen self-discovery and reinforce habit change.

8 x Hypnosis Audios for repeated listening between sessions to reinforce and establish new healthier habits.

Quick self-hypnosis toolkit and audios to support your journey. Includes worksheets and proven practices that you can use right now to help yourself in the moments when emotional eating is about to take control.

Personal WhatsApp or email Support – Access to contact me to ask questions & get support between sessions.

End Emotional Eating Program Investment

The program investment is $1,750 AUD (incl. GST) upfront or four equal instalments of $450 AUD (incl. GST).

To learn if this program is suitable for you, book in for a free 20-minute discovery call today.